
9 Best Strategies To Optimize Google Ads That Work!

Supercharge your Google Ads performance with these 9 best optimization strategies. Get more clicks, higher conversions. Start optimize your Google Ads Campaign!

9 Best Strategies To Optimize Google Ads That Work!

The global economy has always been some what unpredictable. However, the recession that threatens to loom worldwide makes it(the global economy) even more so. As in all recessions - major and minor -businesses are turning to cost-cutting to remain profitable amidst rising cost sand expenses and decreasing revenue streams. The measure works wonders for optimizing their ROI.


So, CFOs are increasingly scrutinizing marketing spends. That’s why marketers need to make the most efficient use of every penny in their marketing budgets. An effective way of accomplishing this is to optimize their Google Ad budgets. This post will offer crucial tips regarding doing that without sacrificing Ads and marketing campaign quality.


9 Things You Need to Do to Get the Most Out of Your Google Ads Budget

Streamline Your Google Ads Campaigns

You do that by consolidating all of your Google Ads accounts. Google provides many automation tools to help you optimize your Google Ads while streamlining the management of different accounts. You can, to use an example, leverage Google’s automated bidding to adjust your bids as they occur based on real-time performance data. That allows your spend to be accurate and always leads to phenomenal campaign results.


It’s easy to make Google’s algorithms more efficient and accurate at predictions. Just consolidate all of your ads and ad groups. That simple process will provide Google with more data that it can leverage to create more effective bids and adjust your existing bids and ad deliveries to make both much more efficient. You’ll benefit with a higher conversion rate and ROI much faster.


Incorporate Popular and Strategic Keywords in Your Landing Page and Copywriting Content

That creates a personalized and relevant user experience which 71% of customers and clients prioritize. The right keywords in your landing page and sales copy content also encourage higher click-through rates which maximizes your revenue streams. Users will be much less likely to bounce from your site and that will boost its SERP quickly. Finally, using strategic keywords builds trust which is needed if you want lots of quick conversions.


The reason is that optimized, personalized, and relevant content resonates with your target audiences on a deeper and more emotional level. It also lets them know that you genuinely care about their needs and interests. So, they will be more likely to engage with it and share it. It also boosts your site’s overall Quality Score which boosts its SERP.


If you’re stumped as to which strategic keywords you should be using, rely on Google Keyword Planner for guidance.


Include Negative Keywords

It may sound counterintuitive, after all, doesn’t the inclusion of negative keywords hurt your site’s SERP quickly? However, negative keyword inclusion works wonders when optimizing Google Ad Campaigns. The reason is that they tell Google which target audiences and groups of people to refrain from showing your Ads to. That increases the efficiency and effectiveness of your campaigns because it optimizes converting traffic to your site.


You can use two methods to incorporate negative keywords into your AD campaigns. The first consists of using them to funnel appropriate traffic into relevant ad campaigns to maximize conversion rates. You can, for example, include brand names to a campaign promoting generic products or services to keep brand-loyal people from viewing your ads.


The second is to exclude irrelevant search keywords from your campaigns. That prevents them from appearing to inappropriate audiences. It also optimizes every penny in your ad spend by ensuring that you maximize profit streams and your ROI.


Try Different Campaigns Out

Google Ads is vast, so you can run different types of campaigns through it. However, some types are better suited to your business than others. You’ll need to go through a sort of trial-and-error process to discover the best campaign types for your enterprise. You’ll find that you’ll create ads that touch more people in your target and new audience sand markets.


Keep in mind that each campaign has different targeting options, ad formats, and audiences. Let’s illustrate that point by analyzing the nature of YouTube Ad Campaigns.

●    You can use YouTube campaigns to promote new videos to viewers who already watch videos and other visual content that’s similar to what you produce.

●    You can reach out to people who browse websites that display video content similar to yours.

●    You can reach out to more people on all Google platforms, including YouTube, Search, and Display.


You’ll be best placed to maximize conversions and new customer acquisition if you run multiple campaigns simultaneously. The reason is that you have more opportunities to connect with more people in vast and deep target audiences by running many different campaigns. You’ll also find it easier to retain existing customers and turn them into loyal advocates of your brands.


The best way to experiment is to try different Ad campaigns out and select the ones generating the best results. Examples of campaigns you can run include display ads and performance max campaigns. You should establish clear campaign goals ahead of time and track these while running your campaigns for the best results. Putting those protocols in place will help you identify the best-performing campaigns early on.


It may not be easy to accurately measure the traffic that enters into the top of your sales funnels, but the effort is worth it. The reason is that these measurements amplify the good results and effects of other ad campaigns by boosting brand awareness. That results in much more converting organic traffic to your site faster.


Also, you take a holistic view of your marketing efforts. That lets you measure just how profitable your business is when you measure the traffic coming to the top of your sales funnels. You’ll understand the success and effectiveness of your current marketing mix better. The approach makes it easier and more practical to adjust your spending as needed when your campaigns are running. You’ll benefit by generating more revenue streams and profit.


Be Metrics Driven

However, focusing on any metrics won’t do. You need to identify the appropriate metrics for your enterprise and concentrate on optimizing those. You may be familiar with more common metrics like click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC.) However, overemphasizing them may cause you to not view the overall results of your Ad campaigns.


Other metrics you should be mindful of include:

●    Conversion rate

●    Quality score

●    Return on ad spend (ROAS)

●    Cost per acquisition (CPA)


You need to link your data with their origin for your campaign metrics to be the most effective and impactful. Good origin sources include, but aren’t limited to Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Shopify. You’ll clearly understand how much your Google Ads are contributing to your ROI once you do that. It’s easy to measure the data once it has been linked. Either integrate the offline conversions into Google Ads or store your data in a popular marketing data hub. A good example is Funnel.


Analyze the Impression to Conversion Rate

Contrary to popular belief, impressions don’t automatically lead to conversions, though high impression rates can certainly increase the likelihood of more conversions. The reason is that most people who visit a website aren’t in the buying mood. That’s why it’s important to be creative and devise your own CTR metric in Google Ads. Not only will it be specific to your company, but it will give you the exact information you want when you need it. Such a metric is the impression-to-conversion (ITC) rate.


It’s easy to create your own Google Ad metrics. Just do the following:

●    Log into your Google Accounts dashboard.

●    Go to the Campaigns or Ads Group tab in the dashboard.

●    Select the Columns button

●    Click on the Modify Columns button

●    Now, select the + New custom column button in Custom Columns.

●    Rename the Custom Column, “Impression to Conversion Rate.”

●    Click on the option for Formula

●    Navigate to the formula box and input Conversions/Impressions*100

●    Select the desired data type and formatting options for your custom column

●    Save the custom column


You now have a custom metric that you can use to analyze your impression to conversion rates.

You need to accurately measure and understand your impression to conversion rates because you need to know how many visitors to your site translate into a sale. However, your ITC rate can fluctuate based on many factors. Some of these include:

●    Ad position

●    Targeting options

●    Ad copy


Experiment With and Test Automated Bidding Strategies

Google’s automated bid strategies are an invaluable tool for marketers because they optimize their (the marketers’) ROI by allowing them to set customized bids for each auction. Google Ads leverages three main marketing strategies:

●    Maximize conversion value - you maximize revenue with your existing budget.

●    Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) - marketers routinely employ this strategy to adjust ad bids. It maximizes revenue while reaching the target ROAS.

●    Maximize conversions - you set bids to attract the greatest amount of conversions that your budget allows.

●    Target CPA - advertisers find this strategy to be invaluable when attracting the greatest number of conversions at a specific targeted cost per acquisition.


Google’s algorithms are data driven. That’s how they provide marketers with accurate enough predictions to allow them to optimize their bids while sticking to their proposed advertising spends. Marketers use a simple formula to determine if they are maximizing conversions. They benchmark the number of conversions they received in the previous 30 days. If it’s greater than 15, then they can consider continuing their automated bidding strategies.


It’s also possible to A/B test your automated bidding strategies to see if they’re as effective as you need them to be. You divide your campaign into two groups:

●    Manual bids

●    Automated bids.


Once you’ve run the campaigns for 30 days, you’ll have enough data to compare campaigns and determine which is better at optimizing bids. Of course, A/B testing only works when you use a consolidated campaign structure.


Review and Update Your Site’s Links

Site links and many other extensions are integral components of Google Ads. You can use them to boost conversions by educating potential customers even further regarding your brands. They’re also invaluable when you want to direct these customers to certain pages on your site. But you have to review your Ad copy regularly to determine if they resonate with and are relevant to your target audiences.


There are certain things you can to when reviewing and updating your site links to ensure that they remain relevant, informational, and current:

●    Review your website - analyze your website and identify those pages that educate visitors about your business and inform them that you’re interested in driving more traffic to your site. Examples of these types of strategic pages include landing, contact, or product pages.

●    Audit your site’s links regularly - you need to go to your Google dashboard regularly and audit your site’s links. Check that they’re relevant and lead visitors to the right pages on your site.

●    Update site links when necessary - update expired or irrelevant site links to lead visitors to the desired pages on your site.

●    Add new site links - you can add new links to your site that lead to new brands or highlight specific strategic pages.

●    Test and monitor link performance - test and monitor any links on your site that you’ve added or audited to see if they perform the way you want them to. That is, make sure that they drive more converting traffic to your site and optimize your Google Ads.


Data is Invaluable When Tweaking Ad Messages

You don’t have optimized Ad campaigns without quality data. Quality data allows you to analyze campaign results the right way and test various versions of ads to determine which elements are the most effective. For example, A/B testing ad headings and descriptions will give you key insights regarding the most effective elements to use for each ad campaign.


You can experiment with several elements using the tweaking method. These include:

●    Test headline variations - experiment with different headlines to understand which ones work the best and resonate with your viewers.

●    Optimize headlines - optimizing headlines will make your ads more relevant and boost their click-through rates.

●    Create unique headlines and meta descriptions - unique headlines and meta descriptions make your ads stand out. It also improves their click through rates. You’ll make your ads even more powerful if you use strategic words that make them stand out from your competitors’ ads and make your audience remember them.

●    Use and test different pinning variants - pinning variants in different positions gives you more control over your campaigns. However, it’s not a guarantee of ad campaign success. So, try different pinning variants and run ad campaigns without pins to see which delivers better results.


To Sum It Up

Digital marketers can work wonders when selling various brands when they build Ad campaigns around appropriate metrics, strategic keywords, optimized landing pages, Ad relevance, and numerous bidding strategies. All of these factors and more help them optimize their Google Ad campaigns to increase their Ads’ and site’s SERP. A higher SERP for both automatically leads to more conversions and a bigger ROI faster. All of this and more is possible without going over their clients’ ad spends


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